Close up of oranges slices

The MELODY Trial Is Now Recruiting Pregnant Women with Ulcerative Colitis

The MELODY Trial, a trial that tests the hypothesis that a non-invasive dietary intervention during the last trimester of pregnancy could beneficially shift the microbiome of patients with Crohn's disease and their babies, promoting a healthier immune system during a critical time of the immune system development, has expanded and is now recruiting pregnant women with ulcerative colitis. Incentives for participating in the trial have also increased.

The MELODY Trial Is Now Recruiting Pregnant Women with Ulcerative Colitis

For more information, visit the MELODY Trial Page at the UMass Medical School Center for Applied Nutrition website.

Somebody in the kitch - view from the back while preparing healthy foods. Cutting board with various healthy foodsPink Milkshake and fruits on a white table and pink backgroundWoman stirring in a pot with vegetables.on the stove

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